
Help and support

This is the help, support, and FAQ place for our site and we will be glad to assist you with any help if you don't see it in the FAQ.
To contact us for support please send us an email at support@comets.cc and support@lvl2.cc. In the future, we will set up a full support page.


What is comets?
Comets is a micro-blogging platform where you can share your thoughts, ideas, updates on what's going on in your life and what's going on around you.

What can you post on Comets?
You can post text, images, short videos, voice clips, polls, and gifs. You can post almost anything. We don't like posting child or underage pornography, death and gore, things that are harmful to pets and minors. You can post nudes and share things that have good interest.

How does Comets work?
Comets works by a user sharing statuses, and other users can then Like, repost, or comment on the status that was posted. Users can use #Hashtags in their posts to let other users find posts based on that hashtag. You can send users messages to chat in private. You can add stories that will last only 24 hours. Users have a profile that you can put a custom header image, info, and website. Users can also buy ad space on the site if you wish to promote your brand or product. And users can also earn some money if you refer a friend or others.

Is Comets a clone of a known site?
Yes, and no. In its own right its, its own thing and will be doing things its way, changing other features and more. But yes it is a clone. We aren't trying to infringe on anything, and trying to be our own community and be a different kind of social platform. A lot more open.

How can I get verified? 
If you are who you say you are and can provide video proof of ID then we can verify your account. If you are a content creator with at least 1,500 followers on YouTube, Twitch, or other platforms. If you are a brand for a business, you must show video proof of ownership from the CEO itself along with the ID of the CEO. If you are a celebrity you must show video proof of ID with your agent. We want to make sure it's really you.

How can I support Comets?
You can always disable your adblocker. We don't have too many ads, but it helps us earn back to keep the site running and to bring new features in the future. You can also buy ad space to support us, and to support you. And lastly, you can always do a direct donation here.